Sean Breeden

Full Stack PHP, Python, AI/ML Developer
"Five card stud, nothing wild. And the sky's the limit" --Captain Jean Luc Picard

Zend Certified PHP Engineer

Saturday, February 14th, 2015

I passed the ZCPE test yesterday on Friday the 13th. I’ve been studying for this test since it was PHP 4 but never felt quite ready enough to attempt it. When I finally passed my Magento Certified Developer test in 2012 I decided to buckle down, study and learn as much as possible about everything php. My history of learning and developing with php goes back to the pre-Y2K bug years. Working with it as my full-time career and on my own time as a hobby made getting this certification important to me.

After the test I had hoped to see a score instead of just “PASSED” but it beats the alternative. It seemed like it went well because everything just clicked into place for me.

I’m not sure what to go for next. I have a lot of learning to do before I even think about trying for the Zend Framework certifications. I have had my eye on the LPI Linux cert since it came out. Since Linux a large part of my daily life and pretty much everything in my home runs on it (Ubuntu, Crunchbang, Xubuntu, Fedora, etc.) it seems like a good choice. However, I do need to update my Magento MCD to MCD+. They have a couple of new ones now that look interesting.

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