Sean Breeden

Full Stack PHP, Python, AI/ML Developer
"Be stronger than your strongest excuse" --Anonymous

Magento 2 report.WARNING: Session size of xxxxxx exceeded allowed session max size of 256000.

Monday, August 16th, 2021

After updating to Magento 2.4.3, there is an error that is not directly related to PHP or nginx that can cause some headaches in the admin, usually in the form of an error message and pop-up that has to be acknowledged on every page load (see above).

In the var/log/system.log, it will show up as:

[2021-08-16 19:22:52] report.WARNING: Session size of 375349 exceeded allowed session max size of 256000. [] []

A quick fix for this is to set the limit to "0" at the cli. It can be accomplished with the following command:

bin/magento config:set system/security/max_session_size_admin 2560000

Run the command above then flush cache:

bin/magento c:f

then you're all set!

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