Sean Breeden

Full Stack PHP, Python, AI/ML Developer
"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer..." --Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear

Atari 2600 game progress

Sunday, February 18th, 2024

In my spare time (whatever that means) I have been working on a 6502 assembly Atari 2600 game. Here's my progress so far. I finally came up with a name for it. The game is called "Crazy Cat Zoomies"

You are a cat with the zoomies. You have to collect as many cat treats and toys until your Zoomie bar runs out. Each item is worth 1 point.

There are two rooms to play in and a two-player mode.

I have created a couple of my sprites. This is the main character, Riley the Cat!

Here he is in 6502 byte form:

.byte %01101101
.byte %10101101
.byte %10101101
.byte %10111111
.byte %00011110
.byte %00001100
.byte %00011110
.byte %00101101
.byte %00111111
.byte %00101101
.byte %00010010

I have the "running" animation complete as well. It turned out better than I thought it would.

This is one of the objects to collect: Mouse Toy

.byte %00110000
.byte %01001000
.byte %10011100
.byte %10111110
.byte %10111110
.byte %00111110
.byte %00111110
.byte %01111111
.byte %01101011
.byte %00011100
.byte %00001000

I have the scoring routines complete. I'm using standard Atari 2600 number sprites.

.byte %00000111
.byte %00000101
.byte %00000101
.byte %00000101
.byte %00000111

.byte %00010001
.byte %00010001
.byte %00010001
.byte %00010001
.byte %00010001

.byte %01110111
.byte %00010001
.byte %01110111
.byte %01000100
.byte %01110111

.byte %01110111
.byte %00010001
.byte %00110011
.byte %00010001
.byte %01110111


I'm getting the basic gameplay worked out now. It is an Atari 2600 so I'm very limited to what I can do, but it's been fun trying to conserve memory while coding this in 6502 Assembly.

I'll post the entire game + source when it's finished.

I have a whole new level of respect for David Crane, Larry Kaplan, Alan Miller, Bob Whitehead, and the rest of the superstar developers that created all of the Atari 2600 games that I spent hours playing as a kid. The skill level needed to create games like Pitfall and Adventure back in the 70s and 80s blows my mind.

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